
The Pros and Cons of Solar Panel Roofing

Did you know that over 100,000 Florida households have solar panels installed? Of course, solar panels have several cons that come packaged along with their pros.

Have you considered solar panel roofing but aren’t sure if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? There are certainly a lot of important factors to think about before switching to solar energy.

The following guide will explore the benefits and drawbacks of solar panel options. Read on to learn if a solar panel installation on your roof is a good fit for your home.

Price Pros and Cons

One of the big benefits of installing rooftop solar panels is that you get a great return on your investment. It typically only takes between 9-12 years for the panels to pay for themselves and start generating a profit.

A drawback to solar roofing is that the upfront costs are often very expensive. You’ll need to budget accordingly, expect to spend up to $20,000, and pick a company for Solar Tampa that has a good track record.

Make sure to research different tax incentives in your state and learn about vouchers to bring the cost down if possible. You’ll also need to decide how to finance the upfront costs of your new solar panel roofing.

Lowering Utility Costs

The cost of electricity production in the southeastern United States continues to increase yearly. Luckily, many homeowners can offset these rising costs by installing a solar energy system for their households.

After the installation of solar panels is completed, they produce a return of value day in and day out for many years to come. Although, one drawback is that they don’t work as well for people living in cooler climates and different conditions.

Some houses don’t have the right orientation to get the most out of solar panels. Of course, most homes in states like Arizona or Florida don’t have this issue because there’s so much sunlight.

Make sure to assess your location and have a professional give you an estimate of your potential energy production.

Clean Energy

Creating energy via solar panels means you help reduce fossil fuel use. It’s a great way to do your part and protect the planet for future generations.

Fossil fuels are non-renewable resources that are gone after they get extracted, heated up, and changed into energy. On the other hand, solar energy is renewable, free to make, and clean for the environment.

You may want to limit your carbon footprint or simply prefer spending less on your energy bill. Either way, there aren’t any drawbacks to the green energy created by solar power.

Added Home Value

Maybe you don’t plan to live in your home long enough to get a full return on your solar investment. That’s fine because installing solar panel roofing adds a lot of resell value as well.

Modern solar panels have a sleek design that boosts curb appeal and many buyers find them attractive. Plus, potential buyers who have an interest in solar panels often spend more knowing they won’t need to deal with the installation.

The only drawback is if you install panels in an area with unsuitable weather for solar. If you don’t do your research and your solar setup doesn’t produce much energy, it could turn buyers away instead.

Also, areas that experience things like ice storms might require solar panel maintenance more frequently. So potential buyers might see the panels as an unwanted chore rather than a benefit.

Off-Grid Benefits and Batteries

Solar allows homes to generate energy even if they’re off the grid in very secluded locations. For example, you could build a vacation house in a gorgeous remote location and still keep the lights on and appliances running.

Plus, if you live in an area that gets severe weather, you don’t have to worry about the power going out during storms. Knowing you have power no matter what can offer a lot of peace of mind and security.

However, not all solar batteries work as well as others, and one drawback is potentially getting a weak battery. In short, the tech used in batteries doesn’t always match the everchanging tech of solar.

If you plan to sell power back to the grid to get a return on your investment, make sure to go with a reliable battery. You might also need to spend a bit more money on your battery for rainy afternoons if you live in an area with a lot of overcast days.

More Tranquility

Solar energy systems run more quietly than most other energy options available today. They create less noise than generators and power lines that pop, clank, and crack while they produce energy.

If you like spending time outside on your patio, consider solar for its tranquil benefits. You’ll be able to decompress, hear birds singing, and relax better than if you had a buzzing generator nearby.

Also, remember that wind turbines might create clean energy like solar panel roofing, but they make a lot of noise. That’s why you generally only find wind farms way out in isolated areas of the country.

Choosing Solar Panel Roofing

Now you know several benefits that solar panel roofing provides, but you also know that they aren’t perfect for every home. Remember this guide and carefully decide if your household is a good candidate for solar energy.

Take a look at our Lifestyle category for more ways to go green and reduce your carbon footprint.


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