In today’s world, good customer service is more important than ever before. With the rise of the internet and social media, businesses must be extra careful about how they treat their clients. One bad review can ruin a business’s reputation, and it’s especially imperative to be cautious with the young generation.
The young generation is used to instant gratification, getting what they want when they want it. It means that businesses have to be super-responsive to their needs. You will simply lose out to your competitors if you’re not providing good customer service.
So, how can you make your clients satisfied? Let’s find out together.
In this article
What is customer service?
Customer service provides support before, during, and after a purchase. It can include answering patron questions, resolving complaints, and ensuring support and technical assistance. Good client service is often the key to a successful business, as it can help build client loyalty and increase retention.
What are the different types of client service?
Typically, there are three different types of customer service:
1. Front-line customer service: This is the touch point between a client and a company, including answering shopper questions, handling client complaints, and providing support.
2. Back-line customer service: This type supports the mentioned one and includes order processing, returns processing, and high-quality training.
3. Self-service customer service: The last kind allows users to serve themselves without needing human interaction. It can include activities such as providing online support, offering online self-service tools, and making product information available online.
What are the service expectations of Generation Z and Millennials?
Generation Z is the most digital generation and is used to having instant access to information and 24/7 customer service. They expect companies to be responsive to their needs and secure a personalized experience, including customized media. They are also more likely to use social media to research products and seek peer recommendations. As a brand owner, you want your clients to have a top-notch experience to ensure people will prefer your company over others.
Don’t hesitate to provide a personalized approach to each client, especially media-wise. You can tailor visuals to everyone’s tastes and add music to photo online or any video. Rest assured, it’s all free of charge, and it takes a moment to create something outstanding.
Millennials are also one of the most tech-savvy generations and expect companies to be available 24/7. They are used to getting their information from digital sources and want corporations to provide a seamless customer experience across all channels. They also expect companies to be transparent, offer a personalized experience, and provide fast and efficient services.
How can businesses cater to the needs of Generation Z and Millennials in customer service?
You can complete this undertaking using the following tactics:
- Be available around the clock: These generations are used to getting their information from digital sources and expect companies to always be available.
- Provide a seamless customer experience across all channels: Generation Z and Millennials are used to getting their information from digital sources and expect a high-fidelity experience across all channels.
- Be transparent: These groups want companies to be transparent and provide accurate information.
- Offer a personalized experience: Personalization is critical for the younger generations. Users expect companies to offer a customized experience tailored to their individual needs.
- Offer various payment options and keep your prices competitive. Besides credit and debit cards, consider offering other options like PayPal or Apple Pay. The young generations will also appreciate discounts and deals, so ensure you’re offering competitive prices.
What tools can brands use to deliver a better customer experience for the young generation?
There are a few tools brands can use to double down on the experience delivered:
- Social media: Social channels are a great way to connect with Generation Z and Millennials. Such networks can help answer customer questions, resolve disputes, and provide the necessary assistance.
- Self-service tools: Self-service tools such as online FAQs and live chatbots can answer common client questions and help them resolve issues independently.
- Mobile apps: Mobile apps are convenient for clients to access information and contact businesses. Use them to provide loyalty rewards and special offers.
- Surveys: Surveys can be sent via email or text message to collect client feedback on their recent experiences.
- Loyalty programs: Loyalty programs can collect feedback from buyers on their recent experiences. You can ask customers to rate their experience on a scale of 1-5 or to provide written feedback.
Key Takeaways
- Customer service provides support throughout the entire journey.
- There are three types of client service: front-line, back-line, and self-service.
- Generation Z and Millennials expect companies to be available 24/7, deliver a smooth experience across all channels, and offer unique benefits.
- Social media, live chat, self-service tools, and mobile apps are some tools you can use to deliver a better experience for the young generation.
Businesses should use these recommendations to adhere their CS strategy to the needs of different generations. By doing so, they will be able to provide a better experience for their buyers and increase retention.