
Here’s What to Do if You’re Struggling at College

College years are not only about new acquaintances, events, and parties. It is also a cycle of urgent tasks that require a lot of time and effort. As a result, what we face is an overabundance of information, confusion in analyzing material, problems with academic performance, and low self-esteem. To cope with the stress, try to reconsider your habits and attitudes towards the learning process. And what are the best ways to do this? Read on!

1.  Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

If you don’t know how to respond to a tough situation, find someone to help you. This could be a teacher, a therapist, or a close friend. Plus, you can always ask, “someone write my paper for me,” and rely on a trusted online dissertation writing service that can complete any kind of task in the nick of time. Thus, upcoming deadlines and angry teachers will no longer be a source of anxiety for you.

Asking for help doesn’t mean that you are weak or dependent on others. Instead, recognizing one’s trouble is a sign of intelligence and strength. Perhaps you need help with a particular subject, mental support, or just a genuine conversation. And there will definitely be a person willing to make your state a little bit better.

2.  Try To Change Your Attitude

Are you nervous about a certain person, situation, or place? To deal with stress, you need to know its cause. The most common triggers are homework, grades, lack of sleep, burnout, and problems in personal relationships.

Once you’ve identified the source of your stress, ask yourself, ‘What’s the worst thing that could happen if you don’t manage it right?’. This may be the need to pass a test again, a sense of isolation, or tension in your relations with someone. Yes, it can be scary, but each of these problems can be solved. In any case, your physical and mental health is the first priority, remember?

3.  Try Some Breathing Techniques And Yoga

Diaphragmatic breathing starts the process of relaxation in the body. Inhale through your nose, let the air descend to your stomach and exit through your mouth. Surely, our muscles are tightened when we are stressed. By relaxing your muscles, you help yourself get rid of stress on a deeper level. That’s why many practice yoga today – it gives you а sense of freedom and lets you take the position of the observer.

4.  Practice Mindfulness

Let’s agree, we are rarely fully present in our bodies. Worrying about the past or the future, we miss a lot of important things. So train yourself to stop the inner dialogue. Sometimes, too much excitement leads to anxiety. Shift your attention to a calming activity. It could be art therapy, journaling, gardening, or reading.

Give your nervous system a break or you’ll burn out quickly. Indeed, raising energy levels is more necessary than ever and you can find this recommendation on practically every student help guide as it truly works.

Another good practice is to distance yourself physically from what seems terrifying. It’s great to have a favorite safe spot on campus, whether it’s under a tree in the park, a library, or a coffee shop.

5.  Create A Schedule

Every day, you should have enough time for daily duties, study, and rest. Basically, it’s best to rely on applications to help keep up with everything: college, work, extracurricular activities, household chores, and pastimes.

Also, keep your calendar in a visible place. It will remind you of important dates and events that may interfere with your usual schedule, be it a doctor’s appointment or a visit to your grandmother.

6.  Organize A Comfortable Workplace

Tidy up your workspace to not get distracted by the mess. Arrange your table and have all the stationary at hand. You can also light candles or aroma sticks, turn on Lo-Fi beats or make coffee or tea. In such conditions, you will definitely study more productively.

7.  Don’t Forget About Social Media Detox

If your phone is always near you when you are working, it’s distracting even if you don’t use it. You will probably receive notifications from friends and applications. So better develop the habit of spending time without your phone, at least a couple of hours a day. That’s how you will gradually get rid of FOMO (fear of missing out) and give your brain less content to process. That’s a great way to save mental energy.

8.  Divide Big Tasks Into Smaller Steps

If any task scares you with its volume, divide it into parts. Set yourself simple and achievable goals like “read pages 100-150 and answer 5 questions”. The same goes for tests. Break all the study material into small parts and study it chapter by chapter.

9.  Learn To Say No

Helping a friend organize a party, visiting your parents, talking to a friend for 2 hours in a row… In fact, all these things take up a lot of your resources that you can spend on something more fulfilling. Therefore, learn to prioritize and be able to say no. Rejection is not always a sign of selfishness. You just learn to put yourself first.

10. Don’t Try to Be A Robot

There are always tasks that you can put off for a while. In any case, you aren’t a robot to be multifunctional. If you have an important history test next week and an English test two weeks later, try to put all your energy into the first one. So, solve problems as they arise.

If you feel like you don’t have enough time, don’t be angry with yourself. Remember that not everything needs to be done perfectly. Sometimes doing it well is enough.

To Wrap It Up

And the last tip in our guide is not to ignore sports. Many studies show that exercise helps fight tension and has a brilliant effect on the ability to concentrate and learn. Pick a sport that you enjoy and try to make time for it every day. You may enjoy running, cycling, walking, dancing, or something else. Sports also improve the quality of sleep, which is an important factor for productive study. Remember: health first!

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