
10 Exciting Super Bowl Betting Games to Spice Up Your Party

The Super Bowl is not just about football, it’s also about the food, drinks, and most importantly, the betting games. If you’re hosting a Super Bowl party this year, make sure to add some excitement by incorporating these 10 exciting Super Bowl betting games.

Not only will they spice up your party, but they also give everyone a chance to win some cash and bragging rights. Keep reading.

1. Super Bowl Squares

Super Bowl Squares is a classic betting game that is always a hit at parties. The game involves creating a grid with 100 squares, each square representing a potential score combination for the two teams playing in the Super Bowl. After all the squares are filled, numbers from 0-9 are randomly drawn and assigned to each column and row.

The score at the end of each quarter determines which square wins the prize. To set up Super Bowl Squares, you’ll need a large poster board or a digital platform like Google Sheets. Each square is sold, and the person who purchases the square writes their name on it.

You can set the price for each square as you see fit – $1, $5, or even $10 per square can add to the excitement, especially given the Super Bowl 2024 odds. Remember, the main objective is to have fun while betting on the Super Bowl.

2. Prop Bets

Prop bets are a fun way to bet on specific events within the game, such as who will score first or how many times a certain player will make a certain play. You can either buy pre-made prop bet sheets or create your own with some creative and funny options. Creating your prop bets allows you to customize them to your party guests’ interests and knowledge levels.

The bets can be related to the game, such as “Will the first play be a run or pass?” or “Which team will get the first penalty?”. They can also be about the Super Bowl commercials, halftime show, or even what color Gatorade the winning coach will be doused with.

Just remember, the aim is to have fun, so make sure your bets are light-hearted and enjoyable. The more creative the prop bets, the more engaged your guests will be. This will surely add to the excitement of betting on the Super Bowl.

3. Over/Under Game

The over/under game involves betting on whether the total points scored in the Super Bowl will be over or under a predetermined number set by the host. This game is great for those who may not know much about football but still want to participate in the betting.

Before the game starts, you announce the total number of points you think both teams will score. This total is often based on the Super Bowl 2024 odds and any other relevant statistics you may want to consider. Once you’ve set the number, guests simply bet on whether they think the actual total points will be “over” or “under” your prediction.

You can take this game to the next level by letting your guests place bets at different stages of the game. For instance, you can allow bets to be placed at the end of each quarter. This approach keeps everyone engaged throughout the game, and it’s a simpler way to bet on the Super Bowl.

This game is particularly interesting because it’s not about which team will win but about the total points scored by both teams. Even if the match isn’t close, the over/under game will keep your guests on their toes until the very end. Make sure to research first to get the best bets for Super Bowl.

4. Commercial Bingo

While not technically a betting game, commercial bingo adds an extra level of fun to watching the Super Bowl commercials. Create bingo cards with different ad scenarios (celebrity cameo, talking animal, etc.) and have everyone place bets on who will get bingo first.

To create commercial bingo cards, you can use a variety of free online tools or make them yourself. Fill each square with possible ad scenarios, such as “a celebrity endorsement”, “a car commercial”, “an ad for a beer brand”, or “an ad featuring a talking animal”. Distribute the bingo cards among your guests before the game begins, and have them keep an eye on the commercials throughout the game.

Every time an ad scenario on their bingo card happens, the guests check the corresponding square. The first guest to fill a row, column, or diagonal on their bingo card shouts “Bingo!” and is declared the winner.

5. MVP Prediction

Everyone loves to make predictions, especially when it comes to the Super Bowl. Have everyone at your party place a bet on who they think will be named MVP of the game. To make it more interesting, you can also have people guess the exact stats of the MVP (number of yards thrown, touchdowns scored, etc.)

To set up the MVP Prediction game, make a list of potential MVP candidates based on their Super Bowl betting odds. This list should include key players such as the quarterbacks and star receivers, but don’t forget about the underdogs who may have an impact on the game too.

Once the list is ready, have your guests place their bets by writing down their MVP choice and their predicted stats. For predicting stats, you might want to focus on key figures such as total yards, touchdowns, interceptions (for quarterbacks), or sacks and tackles (for defensive players). This is also one of the best Super Bowl bets you can win from.

6. Score Change Game

This game is perfect for those who want to bet throughout the entire game. Every time there is a change in score (touchdown, field goal, etc.), whoever has the corresponding number on their grid wins a small prize or a certain amount of money.

To set up the Score Change Game, you’ll need a grid, much like the one used in Super Bowl Squares. However, this time, each square will contain a number from 1 to 9 that corresponds to the last digit of either team’s score. For example, if the score is 14-7, the winning squares are those with the numbers 4 and 7.

7. Super Bowl MVP Draft

Similar to fantasy football drafts, have everyone at your party draft players from both teams and then award points based on their performance during the game. Whoever has the most points at the end wins a prize.

To begin the Super Bowl MVP Draft, you’ll need a list of players participating in the Super Bowl. You can create this list based on the Super Bowl 2024 odds, player performances during the season, and any other relevant statistics.

Once the list is ready, your guests will take turns drafting players for their team. Much like a traditional fantasy football draft, each player can only be on one team.

8. Super Bowl Bingo

Super Bowl Bingo is a more game-centric version of Commercial Bingo. This game involves creating bingo cards filled with potential scenarios and events that may occur during the Super Bowl game itself. Scenarios could range from “A touchdown is scored” to “A coach throws a challenge flag” or “The commentators mention the Super Bowl 2024 odds.”

To set up Super Bowl Bingo, you’ll need to create the bingo cards. Each square on the bingo card should contain a potential scenario or event. You can generate these cards using online tools or make them by hand. The scenarios should be diverse – from common occurrences like “Extra point is good” to more rare instances like “Safety is scored.

9. Super Bowl Survivor Pool

A survivor pool involves having all participants pick one team to win each week of the NFL season. If that team wins, they move on to the next week. However, once a team is chosen, it cannot be picked again for the remainder of the season. For the Super Bowl, have everyone place a bet on which team they think will win and continue the survivor pool.

In the Super Bowl version of the survivor pool, every participant starts by placing a bet on the team they think will win. It’s an exciting way to engage in Super Bowl betting since it’s straightforward and doesn’t require a deep understanding of the game’s technicalities. It’s all about predicting which team will emerge victorious.

10. Super Bowl MVP Roulette

This game is all about luck and chance. Create a roulette wheel with numbers representing different players from both teams. Each participant places their bets on who they think will be named MVP. Spin the wheel after the game, and whoever has the number that lands on the winning player wins the pot.

This is a game that adds a fun and exciting twist to traditional betting methods. Creating the MVP Roulette game is quite simple. Firstly, assign a number to each potential MVP based on their Super Bowl 2024 odds. Key players, such as quarterbacks and prime receivers, are obvious choices but don’t dismiss dark horses who could have a significant impact on the game.

Try Out These Super Bowl Betting Games

In conclusion, adding some exciting Super Bowl betting games to your party is a great way to keep your guests entertained and engaged throughout the game. From squares to prop bets, the possibilities are endless and can take your party to the next level. So why wait?

Start planning and spicing up your Super Bowl party today! Don’t miss out on the fun and create your unique betting games for a memorable experience.

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