Every one of us has to use money every single day to survive in this world. There’s no other way around it.
But financial literacy, that is the knowledge of how to use money effectively and smartly, isn’t something that’s taught in schools or anywhere else. It’s a subject you have to educate yourself on.
And how do you do that? By reading the best personal finance books and building your knowledge base bit by bit.
You won’t become 7777 by reading these books or maybe you will, but in any case, at least you will know a little more about how to manage your financial life and retire early and happy.
In this article
Keep reading for our list of top personal finance books to add to your home library.
1. Rich Dad Poor Dad
This is a classic book by Robert Kiyosaki about how he had two dads growing up who taught him diametrically opposite things and how he thankfully took the path that his richer dad gave him.
It’s an interesting read, and suitable for a beginner who wants to learn the basics about how to set up their finances so they aren’t working for someone else for the rest of their life. Also, some tidbits in there about taxes, incorporations, and how to treat money like the rich do.
2. Die With Zero
Too many people are wasting their life force and that’s something the author of this book, Bill Perkins, wants to prevent by publishing this book. The main idea behind this book is that if you leave even $50,000 behind (after giving money away to your inheritors), then that’s a waste of the life force and time you spent earning that money.
He wants everyone to die with zero, or as close to it as possible. Bill brings up many interesting points in the book that will make you rethink retirement and estate planning. A must-read for anyone who wants to use their life force and time to the max.
3. Make Your Kid a Money Genius
If you wish your children will not repeat the same money mistakes that you made, then a good way to do that is to teach them the right money habits from the get-go. This book will show you how to do that.
This way at least your children will end up better off financially than you and hopefully, they will transmit these learnings to their children as well, starting a positive cycle generationally.
4. Ageproof
Is your biggest fear about money running out of it before you die? If that’s the case, then you will want to read this book. It teaches you how to live longer without worrying about this unfortunate circumstance.
This way you won’t have to save more than necessary or live frugally in your retirement because you are worried about going broke in your 80s or 90s. An easy read for anyone interested in this subject.
5. Mindful Money
Meditation and mindfulness have taken over almost every aspect of our lives. But did you think that you could be mindful of money as well?
Well, this book will teach you how. No more making unconscious decisions where you uselessly spend money on certain things without questioning it, and then overthink about other purchases incessantly.
6. The Index Card
Do you feel that financial knowledge is complicated and requires a lot of time and effort to become proficient at? The authors of Index Card, Helaine Olen, and Harold Pollock, want to disprove this theory.
They say that everything you need to know about financial literacy can fit onto one index card, and those ten things are all you need to be financially successful.
You might not believe that this can be true—everything you need to know about finances on one index card??! Well, read the book as they make a convincing argument in it, to be sure.
7. The Opposite of Spoiled
Another great book for parents or parents-to-be. If you want to have children, but are worried you are going to end up spoiling them, then this book is for you.
It will teach you how to raise children who aren’t spoiled but understand the true value of money.
8. The Automatic Millionaire
This is a classic novel on how to become a millionaire slowly over time, by putting bits of money into solid investments. You can do this by setting up automatic withdrawals and investments in your account.
If you like the idea of getting rich without doing a lot of work, then this is the book for you.
All you need to do is set up the system that he expounds on and then relax, knowing that everything is going to be just fine, financially at least. Of course, it’s a bit more complicated than that, but read the book and you will find out the secret behind all those automatic millionaires.
There are many more financial tips on Enriched Treasures, so click through to learn more about gaining financial literacy.
Personal Finance Books—Don’t Just Buy Them, Read Them!
There’s no point in buying personal finance books if you are not going to read them and apply the tips to your own life. Please don’t become a hoarder of the best books out there, but take one or two tips from each and apply them to your family’s finances.
Before you know it, you will be as financially savvy as all the gurus out there. Or close enough.
Also, check out related articles on our website for more on personal finance and investing.