
Vehicle Exteriors Quick and Easy Ways to Repair Dents and Dings

Imagine leaving your car parked at your favorite grocery store’s or mall’s parking lot. You return after a few hours of shopping, only to find that your ride now has dents and dings.

That’s a common occurrence, with 60% of surveyed U.S. drivers saying they’ve experienced such. Of these folks, nearly half said their car sustained moderate damage. Most also had their rides fixed, and one in four who did paid out of pocket.

But before you get a pro to repair dents and dings on your car, consider trying a few DIY hacks first. A good enough reason is that automotive repair now costs an average of 20% more than last year.

This guide shares tips and tricks on fixing auto body damage, so read on. 

The Hair Dryer Technique

Grab a hair dryer, insulated gloves, compressed air, and a clean cloth. You must also be able to access both sides of the damage (which should only be minor for this hack to work).

With your gloves on, set the hair dryer to medium heat and hold it about five to seven inches away from the dent or ding. Do this for at least two minutes to make the damaged panel more malleable.

Press the edges of the dent or ding; you want to feel some movement. If it still feels rigid, use the hair dryer again for another minute or two.

Shake the can of compressed air, turn it upside down, and spray at the damaged area. After about a minute, the panel should return to its rightful place.

Use your clean cloth to wipe away residue on the panel’s surface. 

The Vacuum Cleaner Technique

This hack may only work for dings and dents on flat, even surfaces, as it relies on having an air-tight vacuum. It’s also best to have another person help you out.

Your vacuum cleaner must have a strong suction power (like a cylinder type). Ideally, it should have an attachment adapter, too, which is often a metal or PVC tube that’s more rigid than the hose. If yours have one, great; connect it to the hose.

Next, grab an empty, shallow plant pot with a drainage hole slightly smaller than your attachment adapter’s opening. If you don’t have one, you can use a shallow bowl or bucket and drill a hole in its base.

Ask your repair partner to cover the damaged area with the pot, bowl, or bucket. Its rim should lie flat on the panel’s surface without any air gaps. The bottom side of the container (where the small hole is) should be facing you.

Position the vacuum’s attachment adapter over the small hole. There should be no air gaps here, either.

Turn the vacuum cleaner on and listen carefully for a popping sound indicating the dent or ding has popped back into place. Turn the machine off and inspect your work. 

The Plunger Technique

Use this technique only for a shallow dent or ding on a plastic component, such as a front or rear bumper. Don’t use it on any metal surface, as it involves boiling water. Pouring boiling water on exposed metal can cause it to rust.

Aside from the plunger and boiling water, you also need insulated gloves and a clean cloth.

Put your gloves on before pouring the boiling water over the damaged area. The goal here is to soften the surface to make it more malleable.

Get the plunger, position its cup over the dent, and slightly push the handle down to create an air-tight seal. You’ll know you have a good seal if the plunger doesn’t tip over when you move its handle to one side.

Gently push the plunger down and then pull the handle up. You may hear a popping sound as the dented area evens out.

Remove the plunger and examine your handiwork. If the dent is gone, all that’s left to do is to wipe the surface dry with your clean cloth. 

The PDR Kit Technique

If the tactics above don’t work, your next DIY option is to use a PDR kit.

PDR stands for paintless dent removal (or repair), a method used to fix body damage and preserve the paint job. It doesn’t involve sanding, painting, or drying, just tools designed to push, pull, or tap. Its goal is to reform the dinged or dented part and return it to its original shape.

The exact contents vary from one kit to another, but you should get a PDR hammer, a dent puller, a suction cup, a glue gun, and glue sticks, at the very least. Ensure your kit has an instruction manual, too, since the success of PDR relies on precision. Follow the instructions to a T to achieve your desired results. 

The Professional Way

If you’re not that confident about using PDR kits, it’s time to consider professional repair. Do the same if your car has massive dings and dents. 

Your local, trustworthy mechanic will inspect the damage to see if they can fix it with PDR techniques. If so, it may only cost you between $75 and $150, depending on the dent’s or ding’s size. The paintless vehicle dent repair process may take less than an hour since an expert will perform it.

Traditional dent repair, which requires sanding and repainting, may be necessary for more severe damage. Your car may need this if the damage caused the paint to crack and expose the underlying metal. If not sanded and repainted, the corrosion process may begin, impacting vehicle value. 

Prepare to pay more for traditional dent repair, as it’s more labor-intensive. Depending on the size and severity of the damage and the repair methods used, it may set you back between $200 to $400. 

Fix Dents and Dings Without Delay

Remember: Car dents and dings are not only unsightly; they can also trigger rust. Given enough time, corrosion can spread and significantly reduce your ride’s resale value. 

That’s enough reason to repair auto body damage as soon as you see them. And if they’re minor, use our quick and easy DIY strategies. But if they’re too big, bring your ride to a professional mechanic ASAP. 

Ready for more automotive, travel, or other DIY guides like this? Then, stick around and browse our latest informative posts! 

Waleed Hassan

Waleed is a professional article writer and SEO executive. He has been working in multiple niches including tech, education, business, and e-commerce. SEO Executive Delivering Strategic Excellence for Optimal Digital Growth | 3+ Years Driving Results.In the dynamic world of SEO, I am a seasoned executive dedicated to orchestrating impactful digital journeys. As a freelancer, he has years of experience in converting his thoughts to words in a magnificent way. if you have any query then DM me at waleedhassanseo@gamil.com

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