
5 Common Writing Challenges and How to Combat Them

There are around 46,256 professional writers in the U.S., which proves to be a popular venture.

Overcoming writing challenges is essential for honing your skills and landing your dream job. But, like with every profession, there are obstacles that even the most seasoned writers face. Perhaps you’re currently facing several challenges and want to know how to avoid them.

Sounds like you? Luckily; you’ve come across the perfect post. Here are five common writing challenges and how to overcome them.

1. Writer’s Block

One of the top challenges writers face is writer’s block. The problem is you never know when it’s going to strike, which is problematic if you’ve got a deadline. Although there’s no specific remedy, try reading a book from a renowned author or immerse yourself in another activity, so you can regain your focus.

2. Fear

You can only enjoy writing success when you overcome fear. For instance, you could worry about not being good enough or if someone will criticize your skills. But the key is finding the courage to ignore this niggling voice and write through the fear, even if it’s initially terrible.

3. Not Being Authentic

Anyone who has experience with creative writing challenges knows how difficult being authentic is.

Many of us are embarrassed to reveal our voices and be vulnerable to readers. The only problem is you must learn to write from your soul and not worry about how your readers will respond. Because of this, pretend that no one will read what you’re writing and keep going until you find your real voice.

4. Being Easily Distracted

Out of all the challenges in writing, this one is the most frustrating.

During the day, we’re bombarded by distractions, from the TV running on in the background to a constant stream of notifications. The easiest way to combat this is to write in a quiet environment like a library.

5. Not Knowing Where to Land Jobs

All writers want to land a dream job where they get paid to write on their favorite topics. But, when you’re starting, it’s difficult knowing how to compile a portfolio and where to look.

First, compile clippings of your favorite pieces and upload these on your website or blog. Then, contact great sites that are helping writers make money and freelance writer job boards. Although it’s terrifying to feel vulnerable, be confident in your abilities, and don’t get disheartened if you don’t secure the first job; just keep going.

Overcome These Top Writing Challenges

Now you’re familiar with the main writing challenges, it’s easier to overcome them.

There are many issues that writers suffer from, such as being easily distracted and writer’s block. You should also find ways to combat fear and find reliable sites to land jobs. But the key is to stay confident and cultivate the perfect environment for creativity. Good luck with your writing!

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